Honolulu Food Truck: Ono To Go
Voted 2011 Best New Food Truck

This is not your typical plate lunch truck (now place)
AND they have my favorite Kiawe grilled meats...
You can taste the quality of their food too
as they use a quality white rice,
Kokuho Rose
Gen Ji Mai for brown rice.
Pulehu Salt Rub Short Ribs Bowl
cooked on a Kiawe grill
with their famous macaroni salad
This was my favorite,
the meat was well seasoned and
very tasty.
Will have to try the "Sampler"
with all four Kiawe grilled items next time
Besides the Kiawe grilled items, look for these Ono to Go Specialties:

Poke Bowl Combo*
with Kalua Pork
They make poke to order,
so be patient.

Oven Roasted Turkey
"Tuesday's Special"
They run out, so get there early...
Other specialties to look for:
Grilled Pork Medallions
Teri Steak
Teri Citrus Furikake Salmon
Follow Them on Facebook
for upcoming pop ups
2011 Best New Food Truck
by Nonstop Honolulu
They also made my Gogobot
"Guide to the Best Restaurants in
Oahu and Maui"
Photos by Jay Terauchi
*Photos by Melissa Chang (@Melissa808)