Remember to Support Local Businesses!

Last week, I went to the post office and had to park around the corner. I walked by a fish & chips place that had been in business for 20 years. They were closed and had a sign thanking their loyal customers for 20 years of patronage. It’s sad to see places like this close due to the economy.

I always remind people to support local businesses because in a tough economy, these are the first ones to go. Sure, I like the prices and selection at the big box retailers, but remember that small businesses are the backbone of this country. If it wasn’t for the independent retailer, you might never find that hard to find item or someone to repair the broken clock over the fireplace. Real estate on store shelves are very expensive and retailers will only carry products that sell at a certain threshold, just ask any CPG company.

If we don’t support local restaurants, get used to eating at the chain restaurants. So many of them are closing. Now I admit, some of them had to close due to lousy management or a concept that doesn’t make sense (you should have called me ages ago). I guess everyone is an expert and knows what they’re doing, why pay someone right? One of my clients is very successful, this owner realizes that they can operate a business but needs an expert to get it started. Most owners that I’ve come across think that if they open their doors, customers will come. Maybe in FANTASYLAND, but in the real world, there needs to be a reason why the consumer is seeking you out. They don't think about what makes them special vs. the place next door.

I’m a strong believer in small businesses. Unfortunately, within the last two weeks, I’ve heard that 14 restaurants are closing or have closed. As we celebrate our country’s Independence Day this weekend, don’t forget about our troops and local businesses.

Thank you for stopping by. Please let me know your comments.


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